Sri Lankan FOREST

Sinharaja forest reserve is one of the least disturbed and biologically unique lowland rain forests in Sri Lanka. It is also national park in Sri Lanka. This is a very good place to see many endemic birds such as Ceylon Lorikeet, Layard's parakeet, Jungle and Spur Fowl, Ceylon Wood Pigeon, Grey Hombill, Spotted wing Thrush, Rufous and Brown- capped Babbler, Ashy-headed Laughing Thrush, Ceylon Blue Magpie, White Headed Starling, Ceylon Hill Mynha, Legge's Flowerpecker It is of international significance and has been designated a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Sinharaja is situated close to Ratnapura and is between the villages of Rakwana, Deniyaya and Matugama. It covers about 11,187 hectares from east to west. The length of the forest is about 21km and width from North to South is about 3.7km.
Variety of indigenous plants and animals, flowing rivers and silent streamlets cover up nearly 9800 hectares. Out of a total of 830 indigenous flowering plants in the Island Sinharaja has nearly 500 plants and out of 21 native bird species in the country 17 species have made Sinharaja their home.

It was declared a Man and Biosphere Reserve (MAB) in 1978, as representative of tropical humid evergreen forest Eco system in Sri Lanka and has been recognized by UNESCO as part of its International Network of Biosphere reserves.
Sri Lanka's most important rain forest.

This is Sri Lanka's most important rainforest. The forest has tall trees growing in close proximity, but winding paths make it easy to walk along the forest floor. It is inhabited by water monitors, torque macaques, leopards, giant squirrels, purple-faced leaf monkeys and leeches.

Bird life includes Ceylon Spurfowl, Ceylon Junglefowl, Ceylon Wood Pigeon, Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot, Layard's Parakeet, Red-faced Malkoha, Green-billed Coucal, Chestnut-backed Owlet, Ceylon Grey Hornbill, Yellow-fronted Barbet, Ceylon Small Barbet, Black-capped Bulbul, Spotted-winged Thrush, Brown-capped Babbler, Orange-billed Babbler, Ashy-headed Laughing-Thrush, Ceylon Blue Magpie, Ceylon White-headed Starling, Ceylon Hill Munia, Ceylon Hill Myna, Malabar Trogon, Black Bulbul, Indian Scimitar Babbler, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo, Green Imperial Pigeon, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch and Yellow-browned Bulbul.
Crystal-Clear Cool Water

The Sinharaja falls within a rainfall range of 3,000 to 6,000 millimeters and even diest season records a surprisingly considerable amount of rain fall.
Small streams found within the forest contain crystal-clear cool water and one can clearly see the fish, toads and crabs swimming in it. Another characteristic feature of Sinharaja is the mixed species flock formation of its birds. Number of species in the flock can be go up to about 40 species.
If you are lucky enough you can experience the tropical monsoon inside the forest, which will be an unforgettable experience.

Scenic Beauty

Apart from its ecological and biodiversity value its scenic beauty is also invaluable. The largest known tree of the country is found in the Sinharaja, which is an endemic tree. Insect eating Pitcher plant is frequently seen here. This magnificent rainforest is also a home for large number of butterflies. In side the forest is dark even during the day time due to close canopy above and one can here the voice of cicadas and frogs throughout the time.  
Topographically Sri Lanka is divided into three morphological areas Topographically. and Sinharaja Rain Forest belongs to the middle range uplands by elevation range. It range of 270 to 1,060 meters in height and a slopes range of 100 to 350. The Sinharaja forest is located on the Rakwana mountain range which lies detached from the main central Mountain ranges of the island.

The highest faunal endemic it

The highest faunal endemicity of the country is found in the Sinharaja. Out of 12 endemic mammal species of the country 8 are found here. Giant squirrel, dusky-stripped jungle squirrel and endemic purple-faced leaf monkey and torque macaque are frequently seen. 
Almost 95% of the countries endemic birds (about 19 species) are found here including rare Red-faced Malkoha, Green-billed Caucal, Blue Magpie and Sri Lanka Spur fowl. Diversity among the reptiles and Amphibians are remarkably high. The endemic green pit viper, endemic hump nosed lizard (Lyriocephalus scutatus) and horned lizard (Ceratophora aspera) are common here. Small tributaries and rivers of the forest support the fish such as striped rasbora, walking catfish and endemic comb tail.

Mountain Peaks of Sinharaja Rain Forest

There are several mountain peaks in the eastern side of the Forest Reserve.

Hinipitigala Peak - 1,171 m
Dotugala Peak - 769 m
Mulawella Peak - 760 m
Kosgulana 797 m
Hinipitigala West 1170 m
Hinipitigala East 1168 m
                                               Pathinigala 605 m
                                               Sinhagala 742 m
                                               Tibbotagala 904 m
                                               Kohilarambe 757 m

Rivers of Sinharaja Rain Forest

Koskulana Ganga
Maha Ganga
Kudawa Ganga
Maha Dola
Pitakele Ganga
Gin Ganga
Napala Dola
 Aranuwa Dola

How to get there

From Nothern or western parts of the country you can reach Sinharaja via Ratnapura, Kiriella, Kalawana, Weddala, From the South you can enter sinhraja from Deniya. Coming form Hambantota, Udawalawe you can enter Sinharaja from Rakwana side.

Yala National Park Wild life paradise..
The earliest inscriptions discovered in the Southern region date back to the 2nd century B.C. Prior to this the Indo-Aryan settlers from Northern India was in full control of the area. Earliest monastery’ wherever there was human habitation and in suitable rock caves. These caves are spread into many in the areas and it is a tourist attraction now.

Yala National Park is situated in the kingdom of Ruhuna which had an advanced civilization by evidence of the remains of dagabas and reservoirs built to irrigate large extents of cultivable land.

Yala National Park is geographically located in Sri Lanka at latitude 06°16' - 06°42' North and longitude 81°15' - 81°42' East. The Park can be visited via the town of Tissamaharama in the Hambantota District of the Southern Province. The Block I boundaries of the Park, take in 19 kilometers of sea coast in the southeast from Amaduwa to Yala, Yala19 kilometers from Yala up the Menik Ganga to Pahalahentota, 19 kilometers from Pahalahentota to Bambawa, and 3 kilometers from Bambawa to Palatupana.

Being located in one of the dry regions of Sri Lanka, the climate of Ruhuna National Park is usually hot and dry. The area receives its annual rainfall during the north east monsoon from November to January, and unpredictable inter-monsoonal rains in March/April and September. 
The annual temperature near sea level is 270C, although in the dry season a daily maximum of 370C is not uncommon.

In 1938, Yala Game Sanctuary was declared as a National Park.Records shows that the first Game Ranger of the Sanctuary was H.H. Engelbrecht, a prisoner of war who was not returned to South Africa on account of his refusal to swear allegiance to the British monarchy came to the nearby coastal town of Hambantota. The Government Agent of the district made him the custodian of the Game Sanctuary around 1908.
Several irrigation tanks are still visible,Yala  together with natural water holes. These sources of water are helpful for the survival of the wildlife. Several natural rock pools contain water throughout the year.

In the southeast, the Park is bounded by the sea. Unspoilt natural beaches and sand dunes provide a beautiful environment. This is surely one of the most spectacular seascapes of Sri Lanka. 
Far out at sea are two lighthouses which are named as the great and little basses. The extensive parklands that surround the lagoons offer visitors superb locations for viewing animals and bird life.

 Uda Walawe National Park
 Uda Walawe lies South of the central hills of the island, and it surrounds the man made reservoir of Uda Walawe, which is part of the park. It is a mixture of abandoned teak plantation, scrub jungle & grassland. The dry season is best to watch the many herds of elephant that roam the park; which is usually between May & September. Almost the entire park is covered with tall, reedy Pohon grass, which grows all year round, except during the months of June and October.
Uda Walawe is a superb place to watch elephants. An estimated 500 elephants in herds to up to 100 live here. One of the reasons is the elephant-proof fence that surrounds the perimeter of the park, which keeps the elephants in and the cattle (and humans) out

Muthurajawela the Swamp of Royal Treasure
 The name Muthurajawela has been derived from Sinhalese language which the majority of Sri Lankans use to communicate. The meaning can be translated in to English simply as “Swamp of Royal Treasure”. Treasures of kings in olden days are believed to be buried in that area.
Muthurajawela Marsh is situated towards the southern part of Negombo. The boundaries span from Negombo lagoon which also helps to create a costal eco system, and Kelaniya River situated at the northern tip of Colombo. Muthurajawela is in close proximity to Colombo.
 Muthurajawela Marsh is said to be the island’s largest saline peat bog. It is believed to have originated about 7000 years ago. There are some residuals which extend up to 500 years towards the history from now.
Muthurajawela bears staggering species of flora and fauna. Numerically 192 flora and 209 fauna, excluding 102 species of birds have been discovered. Some indigenous floras and faunas have also been found in Muthurajawela marsh. Visitors may see water birds such as herons, egrets in abundance in the lagoon and the marsh. It is also a residence for 40 different species of fish, of which 15 falls under the category of indigenous fauna.
The nocturnal animal, slender Loris, which is believed to be endangered, can be seen once in a blue moon.Muthurajawela marsh has been declared as s sanctuary by the government in 1996 due to its vast bio diversity. Visitors may be assisted by the Muthurajawela marsh centre. The centre educates people about the importance of Muthurajawela. The staff at Muthurajawela marsh centre is available everyday except Monday; from 7.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m. Visitors may be given well trained guide. Also a boat ride will be given for visitors through the marsh and lagoon. Visitors will not only be able to travel on water, if they are interested, they can walk on the land and view the natural greenery.

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